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2F-透明垂掛-策展概念-95_350-ol (1)-02.png




理查.桑內特(Richard Sennett)於《匠人》(THE CRAFTSMAN)一書中曾強調,匠人會不會盡力做出好作品,端看他對手邊的材料有多大的好奇心。那是他的物質意識。 (註:Richard Sennett 認為只要在工作中追求最高品質者,都可歸入匠人之列。工藝活動實為一種深埋人性當中「想把工作做好而做好工作」的慾望。)


當工藝師傳承歷史技藝,全神投入與手中來自自然的材料對話 交流,他便正處於與自然的共創之中。工藝的本質是否就是共創?採擷自然材料,融合腦部思維及手部及肢體節奏,在時間的消逝中,一次次的演練至渾然一體,然後生出新意。工藝不是瞬間出現的,每一項工藝都如此扎根於地理風土,在時間跟空間的積累中,散發濃厚的在地性。




自2007年始,國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心開始了一連串滋養工藝大地的對流共創計畫,Yii 、 A New Layer 、HAND IN HAND…邀請荷蘭、瑞典、德國、法國、巴西、日本、韓國、臺灣...等跨國設計師,和臺灣工藝師進行一連串異文化的創作激盪,這其中,雙方經歷了認知的顛覆、自身原有創作文化系 統的鬆動,有如下過雨後,雨水滲入土裡,看似消失不見,實則已為樹根吸納、為各種動物微生物飽飲,而產生了幻化的質變。此展覽,便是這變化的具體成果。


這一連串、有如雨珠般一顆顆晶瑩、散發重生精神的共創作品, 是工藝不斷延續擴展的延伸,共創的形式千變萬化,不局一方,這深埋於工藝的深層本質:寬容性及交融性,以及彼此尊重、謙卑請益的精髓,並不會因為工藝技術高超而止歇。






2F-透明垂掛-策展概念-95_350-ol (1)-03.png

All stories begin with “differences”.


The difference in temperature between places creates convection which causes air or liquid to move around instead of stagnating in one place. When the earth’s surface becomes significantly heated, the ascending warm air current meets the colder air in the sky, clouds would condense as a result. Eventually, the “convectional rain” falls down to quench the over-heated land. As we all know so well and had never forgotten, leaps of culture had never happened in any comfort zone, but always occur out of differences. Differences in aspects such as cultures, national customs, ways of thinking, materials, and applications all contribute to the convection in the culture that leads to this co-creation. 


As Richard Sennet stresses in his The Craftsman, how well a craftsman makes work depends on how curious he/she is toward the materials at hand. That is his material consciousness. (Note: Richard Sennett considers all who pursue the best quality of work are craftsmen. Craftsmanship is a deep innate human desire “to get work done well because one wants to do things well.”)


When a craftsman inherits a skill, he is utterly concentrated in the conversation between his hands and the materials from nature. Hence, he is co-creating with nature. Is co-creation the nature of crafts? The craftsman gathers materials from nature, incorporates thinking and rhymes of his limbs, cultivates his skills over and over again as time goes by until new ideas come to him. Crafts do not come out of the blue; each craft is rooted in the earth and perfumes strong local flavors over the passing of space and time. 


Similar to the convectional rain, each shower emits flavorful fragrances of the local customs/(the smell of winds and earth as the Chinese put it).


National Taiwan Craft and Research Institute embarked on a series of convective co-creation projects that nurtured craftsmanship since 2007. Exhibitions such as Yii, A New Layer, and HAND IN HAND invited designers from the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France, Brazil, Japan, Korea …, etc. to Taiwan to brainstorm with Taiwanese craftsmen. The process subverted their perceptions and loosen their original creation and cultural systems. This is not unlike after the showers, the raindrops seemed to disappear into the ground. In fact, they had been absorbed by the roots of plants or taken up by other animals and microorganisms. This exhibition is the substantial fruition of all sorts of magical transformations unfolded.


The series of works created out of collaboration are laden with spirits of rebirth and shine bright like raindrops. They are the extensions of an ever-continuum of craftsmanship. Myriads of co-creating formats are deeply rooted in the core nature of craftsmanship. In addition, highly skilled craftsmanship does not get in the way of spirits of all-encompassing nature, integration, mutual respect, and humble learning.

Convection rain, the phenomenon well-known in Taiwan as the localized afternoon thunderstorms/showers, is the perfect core idea of the co-creation project based in Taiwan. We began from the customs of Taiwan, absorbed nutrients from differences, and in turn to nurture the land of craftsmanship.


54 works are the results of 54 convective showers of rain. We hope to entice the new muse of the next co-creation project with these 54 co-creation rains.

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